* 1910 in Cologne
† 1984 in Berlin
- studied construction and architecture at the Kunstgewerbe- und Handwerkerschule, Cologne
- 1927–1930 worked in the Ernst office
- 1932–1937 Scheidt, Cologne
- 1937 moved to Berlin
- from 1938 permanent employee at Werner March; stays in Belgrade, Copenhagen, Budapest
- 1942–1945 military service
- 1945–1949 Chief Architect at Eckhart Muthesius, Berlin
- 1949–1951 Technical Assistant at the TU Berlin with G. Jobst
- from 1949 also freelance architect, participation in competitions
- from 1952 professorship at the TU Berlin
- from 1953 with Gerhard Jobst 1st prize for the overall plan for reconstruction of the Hansaviertel; America Memorial Library (with Fritz Bornemann); Kreuzberg Town Hall (with Hartmut Wille)
- 1955–1959 Faculty and Institute Buildings for Mining and Metallurgy at the TU Berlin
- 1965–1968 Institute for Technical Chemistry, Berlin