The old Hansa-Viertel in Berlin / Bertram Janiszewski
(New edition by the Bürgerverein Hansaviertel e.V.,
2022)The old Hansa quarter in Berlin, adjacent to Schloss and Park Bellevue, bordered by the Spree and Tiergarten, was conceived as a bourgeois residential quarter in a development plan dating from 1874 and was built in the following two decades.
Completely destroyed in the Second World War, it is now almost forgotten. Famous imperial architects such as Ihne, Grisebach, Messel, Solf and Wichards had built the first Hansa-Viertel (Hansa-quarter). Today we find here the post-war buildings of Aalto, Gropius, Eiermann and others.
High-ranking military and civil servants, noble families, rich merchants and bankers, including many of Jewish origin, artists in large numbers, rentiers, governesses and maids lived in the first quarter.
Architectural photographs discovered in archives and libraries and collected by the author provide a general picture of the former elegant quarter. They show stately and bourgeois houses and are at the same time a magnificent gallery of Berlin historicism at the end of the 19th century, as well as a contribution to the architectural history of this important period.Bertram Janiszewki, edited by Ruth Pabst
152 pages, 100 historical maps and photographs
ISBN 978-3-00-071110-7 / 27,00 €
Sie hinterließen Spuren – Menschen im alten Hansa-Viertel / Bürgerverein Hansaviertel e.V. (Herausgeber)
They left traces – people in the old Hansa-Viertel
A book, which is to remind of a number of remarkably many prominent inhabitants of the old Hansa-Viertel. Whether the district was special because of its inhabitants or whether the inhabitants moved there because of the special district is difficult to determine today.
These are short portraits of personalities who helped to shape their and the following times and who we should not forget.Carl Ferdinand und Ernst Albrecht von Graefe | Johann Gottfried Siegmund | Emma Herrwegh | Julius Carl Raschdorff | Hermann Gustav Louis Ende | Ernst Reinhold Ludwig Persius | Adolph Wagner | Wilhelm Scherer | Louis und Rosa Sachs | Ernst Carl Eugen Koerner | Lovis Corinth | Charlotte Berend-Corinth | Leo Arons | August Bier | Walter Rudolf Leistikow | Alfred Kerr | Else Lasker-Schüler | Mathilde Jacob | Alice Berend | Hermann Struck | Nachman Schlesinger | Frank Foley | Alexander Granach | Petro Werhun | Nelly (Leonie) Sachs | Ernst Toller | Gabriele Tergit | Ludwig Marcuse | Werner Scholem | William Wolff
Edited by Bertram Janiszewski, Katja van Dyck-Taras, Ruth Pabst, Dieter Pfannenstiel
ISBN 978-3-00-065576-0 / 17,90€ (currently not available)
Hansaviertel Berlin – A Pocket Guide To Interbau 57 / Bürgerverein Hansaviertel e.V. (Editor)
What visitors to the Hansaviertel see today was once the “city of tomorrow”. Berlin’s Hansaviertel is not just a popular neighborhood in the green heart of Germany’s capital, it is also an intact ensemble of architecture and landscaping characteristic of German post-war modernism. Created within the framework of the Internationale Bauausstellung, or Interbau 1957, it was listed as a heritage site in 1995, and in 2012 was nominated by the Berlin Senate for UNESCO’s list of World Cultural Heritage Sites thanks to an initiative by local residents.
Since its foundation in 2004, the association Bürgerverein Hansaviertel e.V. has been spearheading efforts to promote and protect the quarter. With the aim of maintaining the “city of tomorrow” in the spirit of its creators, the association, thanks to the expertise of its members and cooperation partners, has done a great deal towards promoting the preservation of the neighborhood’s architecture and landscaping, gathering information about the neighborhood, and contributing to its public representation and its vitality.
This book is one result of our work. This compact architectural guide to Interbau 57 deals with the historical development, urban planning, and architecture of the Hansaviertel. With explanations of the individual buildings, brief biographies of the architects, and an overview of the landscape planners and artists who participated in Interbau 57, we would like to highlight the special features of the ensemble that may not be noticed at first glance.
ISBN 978-3-00-056773-5 / 19,90 €
The Architecture of the Fifties – A Photographic Journey through Berlin / Detlef Bluhm
In the 1950s, the most modern city in the world was to be built in Berlin from the rubble of the World War. Today, masterpieces such as the Telefunken high-rise, the Zoopalast and the Kino International, the House of World Cultures and the Corbusier House, Café Moskau, the Hansa Quarter, the Weißensee Art College and many more still bear witness to the timeless modernity of the architecture built in East and West at that time.
In brilliant and large-format photographs, Detlef Bluhm presents the highlights of post-war modernism from their most beautiful side – including some interiors, some of which are not open to the public.
hardcover, 192 pages, 24,5 x 21,5 cm, 173 colour images.
ISBN 978-3-89809-175-6 / 32,00 €
Le Corbusier in Berlin / Ulrike Eichhorn
Le Corbusier, known in Berlin for the design of a high-rise residential building that was realised in Charlottenburg as part of the 1957 International Building Exhibition, visited the up-and-coming city as a young man with a passion for architecture named Edouard Jeanneret.
This small breviary traces the young Jeanneret’s stay in the years 1910 and 1911, includes people who were close to him, who influenced him, and explores the question of whether and to what extent the stay was formative for the famous architect’s further work.
ISBN 978-3-754958-23-0 / 12,00 €
Erich Mendelsohn in Berlin / Ulrike Eichhorn
The House of German Metalworkers, today the seat of the Berlin Chamber of Architects, is one of the icons of building culture, as are the famous Einstein Tower and various commercial buildings, villas and housing estates.
This small breviary invites you to follow the life paths of the architect Erich Mendelsohn and his wife Luise and to track down one or the other project in Berlin and the surrounding area that is hidden in the now changed cityscape and that is to be discovered as a gem of architecture. A general map with a list of buildings and more than 20 pictures complete the biography.
ISBN 978-3-756511-39-6 / 12,00 €
Hans Poelzig in Berlin / Ulrike Eichhorn
At the beginning of the 20th century, Poelzig was considered one of the most important architects in Germany. There was hardly a building task in which Poelzig did not set examples: private house, city quarter, department stores’, monument, theatre, cinema, but above all industrial building and metropolitan administrative building. Nevertheless, the architect, whom Theodor Heuss described as “strange, fallen out of time”, is hardly known today. Why? Let’s explore the question and discover the buildings in Berlin that are hidden in the now transformed cityscape and that bring us closer to the man who can be considered a pioneer and teacher of modernism. A general map with an index of buildings completes the biography.
ISBN 978-3-754967-02-7 / 12,00€
Mies van der Rohe in Berlin / Jeldrik Schottke and Ulrike Eichhorn
Mies van der Rohe’s architecture still impresses strollers and architecture lovers in Chicago, Barcelona, Stuttgart and numerous other cities.
other cities. In Berlin, too, Mies van der Rohe left not only traces but also a large footprint with the New National Gallery.
Born in Aachen and trained there as a draughtsman, the nineteen-year-old Ludwig Mies was drawn to the metropolis of Berlin in 1905. Here he
with the support of Peter Behrens and Bruno Paul.
He came into contact with Berlin builders and designed his first works, which can still be seen today as villas and country houses. These buildings are somewhat overshadowed by the major projects of his later career, but they tell an expressive story of how the then young architect approached the avant-garde.
Jeldrik Schottke and Ulrike Eichhorn invite you to follow Mies van der Rohe’s development and discover one or two of the region’s jewels. An index of buildings in Berlin and the surrounding area as well as current images complement the biography.
ISBN 978-3-754120-16-3 / 12,00€
Hans Scharouns in Berlin / Ulrike Eichhorn
Whether flat or villa, theatre building or concert hall – Hans Scharoun is one of the most versatile architects of modernism. The majority of his buildings can be located in the Berlin-Brandenburg region, but his traces lead as far as the German Embassy in Brasília. Scharoun always combines functionality with self-confident design.
Reminiscences of shipbuilding can be found not only in the Berlin Philharmonie, but also in many of Hans Scharoun’s other buildings and designs, such as railing-like staircases, windows reminiscent of portholes, or roof structures reminiscent of ship masts. The roots of this memorable style can be found in his childhood and youth: Thus, the architect grew up in Bremerhaven, in an environment shaped by shipbuilding, which influenced him until his old age.
This small breviary traces the origins of the ideas and delves into the life of Hans Scharoun, who played a decisive role in shaping Berlin’s cityscape. Photos, plans and brief overviews complement the introduction.
ISBN 978-3-7541-2590-8 / 12,00€
Taut & Hoffmann in Berlin / Ulrike Eichhorn
The housing project known as the Hufeisensiedlung (Horseshoe Settlement), like the Tuschkasten- and Papageiensiedlung (Parrot Box and Parrot Settlement), is one of the high-quality works of the architects Bruno Taut, Max Taut and company co-owner Franz Hoffmann.
They were also responsible for numerous other residential complexes, commercial buildings, schools, administrative buildings and individual houses built in Berlin in the 1920s and 1930s.
The 44-page breviary invites readers to follow the lives of the architects and their families and to track down one or the other project in Berlin and the surrounding area that is hidden in the now changed cityscape and that is worth discovering as a gem of modernism. An overview map with a list of buildings and more than 50 pictures, many of them in colour, complete the biography.
ISBN 978-3-754951-75-0 / 12,00€
Law and Freedom – The Architect Friedrich Wilhelm Kraemer / Karin Wilhelm and Olaf Gisbertz
Friedrich Wilhelm Kraemer (1907–1990) shaped the architecture of the Federal Republic of Germany. Already successful in the Braunschweig region in the 1930s, his internationally acclaimed career began with the elegant school, industrial, office, banking and cultural buildings designed in the post-war International Style. The Jahrhunderthalle in Frankfurt-Höchst, the Hochschulforum in Braunschweig, the Landeszentralbank in Düsseldorf and the conversion of the Herzog-August-Bibliothek in Wolfenbüttel are all examples of the quality of an architecture that was geared to international developments in Scandinavia and the USA. With Mies van der Rohe, Kraemer combined a commitment to clear form with a minimalist, classic architectural language. This volume is the first to present Kraemer’s work in an extensive documentation. Partners as well as pupils have their say; individual studies of architectural and cultural criticism further develop aspects of his approach to design, which found its own way between tradition and modernization.
ISBN 978-3-939633-20-4 / 39,80 €
The architect Hugh Stubbins / Steffen De Rudder
Hugh Stubbins, who began his long career as assistant to Walter Gropius at Harvard, is undoubtedly one of the most important international architects of post-war modernism. His high-rise buildings, in particular the Citicorp Building in New York, helped him to world fame. He also left behind an example of his skills in Germany: the Berlin Congress Hall of 1957. The fascinating history of this expressive symbol of post-war modernism illustrates how political statements were made through architecture at that time. The book is devoted not only to the development and construction of this unique building, but also to the diverse oeuvre of the American architect.
ISBN 978-3-9396-3323-5 / 32,00 €
Karl-Marx-Allee and Interbau 1957 / Edited by Prof. Dr. Jörg Haspel, Thomas Flierl, Landesdenkmalamt Berlin, Hermann-Henselmann-Stiftung
In urban planning, the history of a community is mostly reflected in a juxtaposition of different neighborhoods that are shaped by the spirit of their respective epochs. The fact that within one city there are ensembles from one and the same period, which are to be understood as a kind of building rivalry, is a trademark of Berlin, the formerly divided German capital. Two listed ensembles stand for this “double Berlin” in a unique way: the street of Karl-Marx-Allee in the eastern part of the city, built in the 1950s, and the Hansaviertel in the west, built for the International Building Exhibition in 1957.
ISBN 978-3-9458-8024-1 / 19,90 €
Guide to the Interbau Berlin 1957. 6. Juli bis 29. September (brochure) / Reprint by Bürgerverein Hansaviertel, Berlin
High-quality reprint of the information brochure on Interbau 1957. Produced in large numbers at the time and sold for 30 Pfennig, the 12-page brochure is now hardly available in antiquarian bookshops. The Hansaviertel Citizens’ Association is making this contemporary overview of the Interbau, with numerous illustrations and a complete general plan, accessible to a wider public again. Designed by Günter Zwierzchowski, with texts by Hans Fratzke and Wolfgang Haack and photos by Joachim Diedrichs. Softcover, 12 pages, format: 23,6 x 31,4 cm.
5,00 €
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