* 1907 in Budweis/Bohemia
† 1971 in Graz
- studied architecture at the Graz University of Technology,
- Diploma 1935
- from 1938 worked in the Herbert Rimpl office, Berlin; industrial buildings
- 1939–1945 Head of the Prüfstelle für die wirtschaftliche Planung von Industriebauvorhaben
- from 1947 worked in Frankfurt am Main, including on the airport terminal building
- 1949–1954 collaborated with Gerhard Weber; Schuldorf Bergstraße, Kleinmarkthalle Frankfurt/M.
- from 1953 Professor for Industrial Construction at the Hochschule für Bildende Künste, Berlin (today UdK)
- 1953–1956 Head of the Department of Architecture there
- from 1957 professorship at the Graz University of Technology