* 1909 in Mylau (Vogtland)
† 1986 in Berg at the Starnberger Lake
- studied at the Staatliche Akademie für Kunstgewerbe, Dresden and at the Bauhaus, Dessau, including under Mies van der Rohe and Ludwig Hilberseimer
- 1935 employment at Henschel Flugzeugwerke
- from 1938 employee of the Herbert Rimpl architectural office (with 700 employees at times), prestigious and industrial buildings
- from 1942 Head of the Berlin branch office of H. Rimpl
- from 1947 Hochbauamt Frankfurt/M., a “refuge” for former Rimpl employees like Krahn, Giefer, Mäckler.
- from 1949 freelance architect in Frankfurt/M. administration and prestigious buildings
- 1954 National Theater Mannheim (with Otto E. Schweizer)
- from 1955 successor of Martin Elsaesser on the chair of Design and Building Science TH Munich
- from 1957 Hamburg State Opera, major projects such as the first German research reactor (TU-Munich) in Garching, Thyssen Hütte, Oberpostdirektion Hamburg, Deutschlandfunk Cologne